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duplicity: List the files in a backup stored on a remote machine, via ssh.
$ duplicity list-current-files --time ${YYYY-MM-DD} scp://${user@hostname}/path/to/backup/dir
try on your machine

This command is used with the duplicity utility, a GNU/Linux tool for backing up files and directories by creating encrypted and compressed archives. Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • duplicity: It is the command-line tool to interact with the duplicity utility.
  • list-current-files: It is one of the commands provided by duplicity, which lists the files and directories currently included in a backup set.
  • --time ${YYYY-MM-DD}: This option is used to specify the time for which you want to list the files. The ${YYYY-MM-DD} placeholder needs to be replaced with an actual date in the format mentioned.
  • scp://${user@hostname}/path/to/backup/dir: This specifies the location of the backup set. It uses the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) to access files on the remote server. You need to replace ${user@hostname} with the actual username and hostname of the remote server. The /path/to/backup/dir specifies the directory where the backups are stored.

In summary, this command allows you to list the files and directories included in a specific backup set on a remote server at a specific time.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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