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duplicity: Backup a directory to Amazon S3, doing a full backup every month.
$ duplicity --full-if-older-than ${1M} --use-new-style s3://${bucket_name[-prefix]}
try on your machine

This command uses the duplicity tool to perform a backup operation. Let's breakdown the command:

  • duplicity: This is the actual command that invokes the duplicity tool.

  • --full-if-older-than ${1M}: This option specifies that a full backup should be performed if the time since the last full backup exceeds a certain threshold. ${1M} is a variable that represents a specific time duration, in this case, it means "1 month".

  • --use-new-style: This flag instructs duplicity to use the new backup archive format.

  • s3://${bucket_name[-prefix]}: This specifies the source directory or storage location for the backup. In this case, it is an Amazon S3 bucket. ${bucket_name[-prefix]} is a variable representing the name or prefix of the S3 bucket.

Overall, this command tells the duplicity tool to perform a backup on the specified S3 bucket, using the new backup format. If the time since the last full backup is greater than 1 month, a full backup will be executed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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