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dust: Display information for the current directory.
$ dust
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The word "dust" by itself can refer to a noun or a verb, but without further context, it is not possible to explain a specific command related to "dust."

As a noun, dust refers to fine, dry particles made up of dirt, skin cells, pollen, or other substances that settle on surfaces. It can also relate to small broken down fragments of material or debris.

As a verb, dust can mean to remove or clean dust particles from surfaces by wiping or brushing, or it can refer to applying a fine powder or substance to something, such as dusting a cake with powdered sugar.

If you provide more context or details about the specific command you want to understand, I'll be happy to help explain it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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