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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dust. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Dust is a command line tool designed to analyze the space utilization of files and directories on your computer. It provides a visual representation of disk usage and helps identify the largest files and directories taking up space.

Here are some key features of dust:

  1. Interactive and intuitive: Dust allows you to explore disk usage in a directory hierarchy by providing an intuitive visual representation. It uses colored blocks to represent files and directories, making it easy to identify space-consuming entities.

  2. File and directory sizes: Dust displays the size of each file and directory in a human-readable format, including the number of bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes.

  3. Sorting and filtering: You can sort the displayed files and directories by various criteria such as size or alphabetical order. Additionally, dust provides filtering options to narrow down the results based on file types or size thresholds.

  4. Navigation and drill-down: You can navigate through directories and drill down into subdirectories to get a detailed analysis of disk usage at each level. This makes it useful for finding large files buried deep within directory structures.

  5. Lightweight and fast: Dust is designed to be fast and efficient, even when scanning large file systems. It uses multithreading to speed up the analysis process and provides quick results.

Dust is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, and it can be installed via package managers or used as a standalone executable. It is a handy tool for managing storage space and identifying disk usage patterns.

List of commands for dust:

  • dust:tldr:0a725 dust: Display information for the current directory, up to 3 levels deep.
    $ dust --depth ${3}
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  • dust:tldr:211ad dust: Display 30 directories (defaults to 21).
    $ dust --number-of-lines ${30}
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  • dust:tldr:32c4a dust: Display information for a space-separated list of directories.
    $ dust ${path-to-directory1} ${path-to-directory2}
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  • dust:tldr:63712 dust: Display information for the current directory.
    $ dust
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  • dust:tldr:66ebe dust: Do not display percent bars and percentages.
    $ dust --no-percent-bars
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  • dust:tldr:9b85b dust: Ignore all files and directories with a specific name.
    $ dust --ignore-directory ${file_or_directory_name}
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  • dust:tldr:e83a6 dust: Display the biggest directories at the top in descending order.
    $ dust --reverse
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tool overview