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dust: Ignore all files and directories with a specific name.
$ dust --ignore-directory ${file_or_directory_name}
try on your machine

The command "dust --ignore-directory ${file_or_directory_name}" is likely referring to the use of the "dust" command-line tool. This command is used to scan a directory or file and provide a visual representation of the disk space occupied by the files and directories within it. It is a helpful tool for visualizing the disk usage and identifying the largest files or directories taking up space. The "--ignore-directory" flag is used to exclude a specific directory or file from the scan. In this command, the placeholder "${file_or_directory_name}" should be replaced with the name of the directory or file you want to ignore. For example, if you want to scan the entire "Documents" directory but ignore a subdirectory called "Private", you would execute: dust --ignore-directory Documents/Private This command will exclude the "Private" directory from the disk space calculation and provide a visualization of the remaining files and directories within the "Documents" directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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