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dust: Display the biggest directories at the top in descending order.
$ dust --reverse
try on your machine

The command "dust --reverse" is likely related to the "dust" command-line tool. However, without more context, it is difficult to provide a specific explanation for this command.

Generally, the "dust" tool is used to analyze disk usage and provide a visual representation of the largest files and directories on your system. It helps identify space-consuming files and directories, allowing you to optimize disk space.

The "--reverse" flag in this command suggests that the output of the "dust" tool will be reversed, typically displaying the smallest files and directories first instead of the largest. Typically, the default behavior of "dust" is to show largest items at the top, so using "--reverse" gives an alternative view starting from the smallest items.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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