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dwebp: Convert a `webp` file, but also crop and scale at the same time.
$ dwebp ${input-webp} -o ${output-png} -crop ${x_pos} ${y_pos} ${width} ${height} -scale ${width} ${height}
try on your machine

This command is using the dwebp tool to convert a WebP image to a PNG image format. Here's a breakdown of the command and its arguments:

  • ${input-webp}: This is a placeholder for the input WebP image file. You should replace it with the actual path/name of the WebP file you want to convert.

  • -o ${output-png}: This option specifies the output file path/name. ${output-png} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the desired path/name of the PNG file that will be generated.

  • -crop ${x_pos} ${y_pos} ${width} ${height}: This option is used to crop the image. It requires four parameters: ${x_pos} represents the x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the cropping rectangle, ${y_pos} represents the y-coordinate of the top-left corner, ${width} is the desired width of the cropped image, and ${height} is the desired height.

  • -scale ${width} ${height}: This option is used to scale the image to a specific size. ${width} and ${height} are the desired width and height of the resulting image, respectively.

By running this command with the appropriate values filled in, you will run the dwebp tool that will convert the specified WebP image file into a PNG image format. Additionally, you have the ability to crop the image and/or scale it to a different size.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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