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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dwebp. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


dwebp is a command-line tool that is part of the libwebp library. It allows users to convert WebP image files into various other image formats such as PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and BMP. WebP is an image format developed by Google that provides high compression rates while maintaining good image quality.

With dwebp, you can not only convert WebP files to other formats but also control specific conversion settings, such as the output image quality and transparency handling. It also enables you to extract specific frames from animated WebP files.

The tool is quite versatile and can be used in various scenarios, such as converting WebP images for compatibility with applications that do not support the format or extracting individual frames from WebP animations for analysis or display.

To use dwebp, you typically need to have the libwebp library installed on your system, which provides the necessary encoding and decoding capabilities for WebP images.

List of commands for dwebp:

  • dwebp:tldr:07700 dwebp: Convert a `webp` file and flip the output.
    $ dwebp ${path-to-input-webp} -o ${path-to-output-png} -flip
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  • dwebp:tldr:17d5f dwebp: Convert a `webp` file, using multi-threading if possible.
    $ dwebp ${path-to-input-webp} -o ${path-to-output-png} -mt
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  • dwebp:tldr:3773a dwebp: Convert a `webp` file and don't use in-loop filtering to speed up the decoding process.
    $ dwebp ${path-to-input-webp} -o ${path-to-output-png} -nofilter
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  • dwebp:tldr:37931 dwebp: Convert a `webp` file, but also crop and scale at the same time.
    $ dwebp ${input-webp} -o ${output-png} -crop ${x_pos} ${y_pos} ${width} ${height} -scale ${width} ${height}
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  • dwebp:tldr:4a6a4 dwebp: Convert a `webp` file into a `png` file.
    $ dwebp ${path-to-input-webp} -o ${path-to-output-png}
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  • dwebp:tldr:bba0a dwebp: Convert a `webp` file into a specific filetype.
    $ dwebp ${path-to-input-webp} -bmp|-tiff|-pam|-ppm|-pgm|-yuv -o ${path-to-output}
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