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ebuild: Compile the extracted sources.
$ ebuild ${filename-ebuild} compile
try on your machine

The given command "ebuild ${filename-ebuild} compile" is likely used in a Gentoo Linux environment to compile a software package.

Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:

  1. "ebuild" is a command-line tool used in Gentoo Linux for managing and building software packages. It interacts with the Gentoo package manager, Portage.

  2. "${filename-ebuild}" is a placeholder for the name of the ebuild file. The ebuild is a script that contains instructions for compiling and installing a specific software package. The actual filename would replace the placeholder. For example, if the ebuild file is named "my_software-1.0.ebuild", you would enter "my_software-1.0" in place of ${filename-ebuild}.

  3. "compile" is an argument passed to the ebuild command, instructing it to compile the software package according to the instructions in the ebuild file. The ebuild will typically handle fetching the source code, applying patches, configuring build options, and compiling the software.

By running this command, the ebuild tool will use the specified ebuild file to compile the desired software package.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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