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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ebuild. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Ebuild is a command line tool used in the Gentoo Linux distribution for managing and installing software packages. It plays a crucial role in Gentoo's package management system known as Portage.

  1. Ebuild is responsible for building and installing software packages from their source code.
  2. It is written in the bash scripting language and designed to be easily read and understood by humans.
  3. Ebuilds are stored in repositories and organized into categories based on the type and purpose of the software.
  4. Each ebuild file contains metadata such as the package name, version, dependencies, and license.
  5. Ebuilds define the steps needed to compile and install a package, often including patches and optional configuration settings.
  6. Ebuilds use eclasses, which are shared sets of functions, to provide common functionality across multiple packages.
  7. Ebuilds also handle package management operations like dependency resolution, upgrade/downgrade support, and removal.
  8. Ebuilds can be searched and retrieved from Gentoo's official repositories, or users can create their own ebuilds for custom software.
  9. Ebuilds allow for fine-grained control over software installations, giving users the ability to tailor packages to their specific needs.
  10. Ebuilds are an essential component of Gentoo's source-based package management system, providing flexibility and customization options to the users.

List of commands for ebuild:

  • ebuild:tldr:1e175 ebuild: Compile the extracted sources.
    $ ebuild ${filename-ebuild} compile
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  • ebuild:tldr:516c0 ebuild: Create or update the package manifest.
    $ ebuild ${filename-ebuild} manifest
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  • ebuild:tldr:8baa7 ebuild: Install the package to a temporary install directory.
    $ ebuild ${filename-ebuild} install
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  • ebuild:tldr:92345 ebuild: Fetch, unpack, compile, install and qmerge the specified ebuild file.
    $ ebuild ${filename-ebuild} merge
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  • ebuild:tldr:9b7f5 ebuild: Extract the sources to a temporary build directory.
    $ ebuild ${filename-ebuild} unpack
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  • ebuild:tldr:a22bf ebuild: Clean the temporary build directories for the build file.
    $ ebuild ${filename-ebuild} clean
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  • ebuild:tldr:a6076 ebuild: Install the temporary files to the live filesystem.
    $ ebuild ${filename-ebuild} qmerge
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  • ebuild:tldr:c0298 ebuild: Fetch sources if they do not exist.
    $ ebuild ${filename-ebuild} fetch
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tool overview