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echo: Print a message without the trailing newline.
$ echo -n "${Hello World}"
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The command "echo" is used to print text or variables to the console.

In this specific command, we have echo -n "${Hello World}". Here's an explanation of each part:

  • "echo" is the command itself.
  • "-n" is an option for the echo command that suppresses the newline character. It is used to prevent the cursor from moving to the next line after printing the text.
  • "${Hello World}" is the argument passed to the echo command. It is enclosed in double quotes and preceded by a dollar sign to indicate that it's a variable. However, the variable name "Hello World" is not valid as it contains a space.

If we assume that "Hello World" is intended to be a variable, we will need to modify the command to make the variable name valid and provide a value. For example, if we modify the command to echo -n "${hello_world}", it will try to print the value of the variable "hello_world" without a newline character.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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