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ect: Compress a file.
$ ect ${filename-png}
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The command you provided, "ect ${filename-png}", assumes that $filename is a variable containing the name of a file without the file extension.

In this case, the command intends to convert the given file into the PNG image format. The "${filename-png}" part is a parameter expansion syntax, where it appends "-png" to the value of the $filename variable.

For example, if $filename is "image", then "${filename-png}" will be "image-png". The resulting command would be something like "ect image-png", instructing the "ect" command to convert the "image" file to the "image-png.png" format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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