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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ect. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


ECT (Error Correcting Tool) is a command line tool used for the purpose of error correction in DNA sequencing data. It is designed to correct errors introduced during sequencing, such as incorrect bases or sequencing artifacts, in order to improve the accuracy of the sequencing results.

ECT utilizes a range of error correction algorithms to identify and correct errors in the sequencing reads. These algorithms employ various strategies, including local assembly, consensus-based error correction, and graph-based error correction methods. By analyzing the patterns and frequencies of errors in the sequencing data, ECT is able to accurately detect and fix the errors, leading to more reliable and accurate sequencing results.

This command line tool is particularly useful for genome assembly, where accurate sequencing data is crucial for generating high-quality genome assemblies. By reducing errors in the sequencing reads, ECT helps to improve the accuracy and completeness of the assembled genomes.

ECT supports multiple sequencing platforms and file formats, making it versatile and compatible with a wide range of DNA sequencing data. The tool provides various options and parameters for customization, allowing users to adjust the error correction process based on their specific requirements.

Overall, ECT is a powerful and widely used command line tool for error correction in DNA sequencing data, enabling researchers to obtain more accurate and reliable sequencing results for various applications in genomics research.

List of commands for ect:

  • ect:tldr:2145e ect: Compress all files in a directory recursively.
    $ ect -recurse ${path-to-directory}
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  • ect:tldr:23fef ect: Compress a file, keeping the original modification time.
    $ ect -keep ${filename-png}
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  • ect:tldr:50172 ect: Compress a file.
    $ ect ${filename-png}
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  • ect:tldr:6cae2 ect: Compress a file with specified compression level and multithreading (1=Fastest (Worst), 9=Slowest (Best), default is 3).
    $ ect -${9} --mt-deflate ${filename-zip}
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  • ect:tldr:dc824 ect: Compress a file, stripping metadata.
    $ ect -strip ${filename-png}
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tool overview