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edgepaint: Lay out a graph and colorize its edges, then convert to a PNG image.
$ dot ${path-to-input-gv} | edgepaint | dot -T ${png} > ${path-to-output-png}
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This command is a shell command that uses several command-line tools to convert a Graphviz Graph Visualization (GV) file to a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file, while applying some transformations on the graph.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  1. dot ${path-to-input-gv}: The dot command is a Graphviz tool that takes a Graph Visualization file (${path-to-input-gv}) as input and generates a graph layout. The output is in Graphviz's internal format.

  2. |: This is a pipe symbol that connects the output of the previous command to the input of the next command, allowing them to be chained together.

  3. edgepaint: This is a custom command (possibly a custom script or an external program) that acts as a filter or transformation on the graph. It may apply some alterations or manipulations to the graph's edges.

  4. |: Another pipe symbol to connect the output of the edgepaint command to the next command.

  5. dot -T ${png}: This is another invocation of the dot command. It takes the output from the previous command and converts it into a PNG image format (-T ${png}). The -T option specifies the output format, and ${png} is a variable that contains the desired extension for the output file (e.g., "png").

  6. > ${path-to-output-png}: This redirects the output of the previous command (the PNG image data) to a file specified by ${path-to-output-png} (the path to the desired location for the output PNG file). The > symbol is used for output redirection.

In summary, this command takes a Graphviz GV file as input, processes it with the dot command, applies the custom edgepaint script or program, and then uses dot again to convert the modified graph into a PNG file, saving it to the specified output location.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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