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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dot. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Dot is a command line tool that is used to draw graphs in various formats. It is part of the Graphviz suite of tools, which is widely used for generating diagrams and visualizations.

The dot command is specifically designed to generate directed graphs. It takes a plain text description of the graph as input and produces an image or other graphical representation as output. The input language used by dot is called the DOT language, which is simple and easy to write.

Dot provides a wide range of customization options for creating visually appealing and informative graphs. It allows specifying various attributes such as node shapes, colors, sizes, edge styles, and labels. These attributes can be defined globally for the entire graph or individually for each node and edge.

The output formats supported by dot include PNG, SVG, PDF, and PostScript, among others. This makes it easy to incorporate the generated graphs into different types of documents, presentations, or websites.

Dot is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of applications such as software engineering, data visualization, network analysis, and system architecture design. It is widely used in academia, industry, and research fields due to its simplicity, flexibility, and the professional quality of the generated graphs.

List of commands for dot:

  • dot:tldr:371b6 dot: Render a `svg` image with the specified output filename (lowercase -o).
    $ dot -T ${svg} -o ${path-to-image-svg} ${path-to-input-gv}
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  • dot:tldr:7f280 dot: Render a `png` image with a filename based on the input filename and output format (uppercase -O).
    $ dot -T ${png} -O ${path-to-input-gv}
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  • dot:tldr:882ac dot: Display help.
    $ dot -?
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  • edgepaint:tldr:25467 edgepaint: Lay out a graph and colorize its edges, then convert to a PNG image.
    $ dot ${path-to-input-gv} | edgepaint | dot -T ${png} > ${path-to-output-png}
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  • gvcolor:tldr:35865 gvcolor: Lay out a graph and colorize it, then convert to a PNG image.
    $ dot ${path-to-input-gv} | gvcolor | dot -T ${png} > ${path-to-output-png}
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  • mingle:tldr:768a2 mingle: Perform layout, bundling, and output to a picture with one command.
    $ dot ${path-to-input-gv} | mingle | dot -T ${png} > ${path-to-output-png}
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tool overview