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egrep: Search `stdin` for a pattern.
$ cat ${filename} | egrep ${search_pattern}
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This command is a combination of two commands in Unix-like systems: cat and egrep.

  1. cat is short for "concatenate" and is used to display the content of files. In this command, ${filename} represents a variable that should contain the name of the file you want to display. The command cat ${filename} will display the content of the file specified by the value of ${filename}.

  2. egrep is a command used for searching patterns in text using regular expressions. In this command, ${search_pattern} represents a variable that should contain the specific pattern you want to search for. The command egrep ${search_pattern} will search for the given pattern in the output generated by the cat command.

Combining both commands with a pipe |, the output of cat ${filename} is sent as input to the egrep ${search_pattern} command, allowing you to search for a specific pattern within the content of the file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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