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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


cat is a standard Unix utility that reads files sequentially, writing them to standard output. The name is derived from its function to (con)catenate files (from Latin catenare, "to chain"). It has been ported to a number of operating systems.

List of commands for cat:

  • ajson:tldr:d0404 ajson: Read JSON from `stdin` and execute a specified JSONPath expression.
    $ cat ${filename-json} | ajson '${$--json[?(@-path)]}'
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  • aspell:tldr:00691 aspell: List misspelled words from standard input.
    $ cat ${filename} | aspell list
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  • aspell:tldr:47bf9 aspell: List misspelled words from standard input and ignore words from personal word list.
    $ cat ${filename} | aspell --personal=${personal-word-list-pws} list
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  • bzgrep:tldr:c4838 bzgrep: Search `stdin` for lines that do not match a pattern.
    $ cat ${-path-to-bz-compressed-file} | bzgrep --invert-match "${search_pattern}"
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  • cat:tldr:0522f cat: Concatenate several files into an output file.
    $ cat ${filename1 filename2 ---} > ${path-to-output_file}
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  • cat:tldr:1d41f cat: Copy the contents of a file into an output file without buffering.
    $ cat -u ${-dev-tty12} > ${-dev-tty13}
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  • cat:tldr:346b1 cat: [n]umber all output lines.
    $ cat -n ${filename}
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  • cat:tldr:4b4b4 cat: Display non-printable and whitespace characters (with `M-` prefix if non-ASCII).
    $ cat -v -t -e ${filename}
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  • cat:tldr:f21eb cat: Append several files to an output file.
    $ cat ${filename1 filename2 ---} >> ${path-to-output_file}
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  • egrep:tldr:7a42d egrep: Search `stdin` for a pattern.
    $ cat ${filename} | egrep ${search_pattern}
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  • file_manipulation:warp:4ff5b Sort a file by line length
    $ cat ${file_name} | awk '{ print length, $0 }' | sort -n -s | cut -d" " -f2-
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  • git-hash-object:tldr:ced42 git-hash-object: Compute the object ID from `stdin`.
    $ cat ${filename} | git hash-object --stdin
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  • git-stripspace:tldr:3e6dc git-stripspace: Trim whitespace from a file.
    $ cat ${filename} | git stripspace
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  • git-stripspace:tldr:52924 git-stripspace: Trim whitespace and Git comments from a file.
    $ cat ${filename} | git stripspace --strip-comments
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  • gml2gv:tldr:45857 gml2gv: Convert a graph using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ cat ${input-gml} | gml2gv > ${output-gv}
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  • graphml2gv:tldr:cc563 graphml2gv: Convert a graph using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ cat ${input-gml} | graphml2gv > ${output-gv}
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  • grep:tldr:cc5bb grep: Search `stdin` for lines that do not match a pattern.
    $ cat ${filename} | grep --invert-match "${search_pattern}"
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  • gunzip:tldr:b255c gunzip: Decompress an archive from `stdin`.
    $ cat ${path-to-archive-gz} | gunzip
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  • gv2gml:tldr:67165 gv2gml: Convert a graph using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ cat ${input-gv} | gv2gml > ${output-gml}
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  • gv2gxl:tldr:4995c gv2gxl: Convert a graph using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ cat ${input-gv} | gv2gxl > ${output-gxl}
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  • gxl2gv:tldr:2fb6e gxl2gv: Convert a graph using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ cat ${input-gxl} | gxl2gv > ${output-gv}
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  • http:tldr:5131c http: Specify raw request body via `stdin`.
    $ cat ${data-txt} | http PUT ${example-org}
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  • httprobe:tldr:32308 httprobe: Probe a list of domains from a text file.
    $ cat ${input_file} | httprobe
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  • httprobe:tldr:8d8ad httprobe: Probe additional ports with a given protocol.
    $ cat ${input_file} | httprobe -p ${https:2222}
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  • httprobe:tldr:e29d6 httprobe: Only check for HTTP if HTTPS is not working.
    $ cat ${input_file} | httprobe --prefer-https
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  • in2csv:tldr:a04a5 in2csv: Pipe a JSON file to in2csv.
    $ cat ${data-json} | in2csv -f json > ${data-csv}
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  • jello:tldr:00951 jello: Pretty-print JSON or JSON-Lines data from `stdin` to `stdout`.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello
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  • jello:tldr:11dbe jello: Output all elements from arrays (or all the values from objects) in JSON or JSON-Lines data from `stdin` to `stdout`.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello -l
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  • jello:tldr:1a000 jello: Output the value of a given key to a string (and disable JSON output).
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello -r '"${some text}: " + _.${key_name}'
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  • jello:tldr:33ed9 jello: Output the value of multiple keys as a new JSON object (assuming the input JSON has the keys `key_name` and `other_key_name`).
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello '{"${my_new_key}": _.${key_name}, "${my_other_key}": _.${other_key_name}}'
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  • jello:tldr:4a099 jello: Output the first element in JSON or JSON-Lines data from `stdin` to `stdout`.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello _[0]
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  • jello:tldr:5cc94 jello: Output a schema of JSON or JSON Lines data from `stdin` to `stdout` (useful for grep).
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello -s
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  • jello:tldr:b9cf0 jello: Output the value of a given key of each element in JSON or JSON-Lines data from `stdin` to `stdout`.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello '[i.${key_name} for i in _]'
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  • jtbl:tldr:0c626 jtbl: Print a table and specify the column width for wrapping.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jtbl --cols=${width}
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  • jtbl:tldr:14b38 jtbl: Print a table and truncate rows instead of wrapping.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jtbl -t
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  • jtbl:tldr:18569 jtbl: Print a table from JSON or JSON Lines input.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jtbl
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  • jtbl:tldr:d0b60 jtbl: Print a table and don't wrap or truncate rows.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jtbl -n
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  • kate:tldr:85c4c kate: Create a file from `stdin`.
    $ cat ${filename} | kate --stdin
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  • linux:file:length Return the number of lines of a given file.
    $ cat ${filename} | wc -l
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  • linux:linux:file:show Show the content of a file.
    $ cat ${filename}
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  • linux:version:info Show information about the Linux version
    $ cat /etc/os-release
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  • llvm-as:tldr:5a295 llvm-as: Read an IR file from `stdin` and assemble it.
    $ cat ${path-to-source-ll} | llvm-as -o ${path-to-out-bc}
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  • llvm-bcanalyzer:tldr:b8f20 llvm-bcanalyzer: Read a Bitcode file from `stdin` and analyze it.
    $ cat ${filename-bc} | llvm-bcanalyzer
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  • mm2gv:tldr:3a9dd mm2gv: Convert a graph using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ cat ${input-mm} | mm2gv > ${output-gv}
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  • mpg123:tldr:3c26e mpg123: Play the mp3 from `stdin`.
    $ cat ${file-mp3} | mpg123 -
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  • nl:tldr:1ffad nl: Read from standard output.
    $ cat ${filename} | nl ${options} -
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  • nms:tldr:3babe nms: Decrypt the content of a file, with a custom output color.
    $ cat ${filename} | nms -a -f ${select}
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  • parallel:tldr:86451 parallel: Break `stdin` into ~1M blocks, feed each block to `stdin` of new command.
    $ cat ${big_file-txt} | parallel --pipe --block 1M ${command}
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  • perl:tldr:d4051 perl: Run a regular [e]xpression on `stdin`, printing matching [l]ines.
    $ cat ${filename} | perl -n -l -e 'print if /${regular_expression}/'
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  • perl:tldr:f3210 perl: Run a regular [e]xpression on `stdin`, printing only the first capture group for each matching [l]ine.
    $ cat ${filename} | perl -n -l -e 'print $1 if /${before}(${regular_expression})${after}/'
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  • pngcheck:tldr:5b897 pngcheck: Receive an image from `stdin` and display detailed information.
    $ cat ${path-to-image-png} | pngcheck -cvt
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  • pup:tldr:1100e pup: Print all text from the filtered HTML elements and their children.
    $ cat ${index-html} | pup '${div} text{}'
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  • pup:tldr:49a24 pup: Print HTML as JSON.
    $ cat ${index-html} | pup '${div} json{}'
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  • pup:tldr:58997 pup: Transform a raw HTML file into a cleaned, indented, and colored format.
    $ cat ${index-html} | pup --color
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  • pup:tldr:8575a pup: Filter HTML by element tag name.
    $ cat ${index-html} | pup '${tag}'
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  • sponge:tldr:6b029 sponge: Append file content to the source file.
    $ cat ${filename} | sponge -a ${filename}
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  • textql:tldr:6bc5e textql: Read data from `stdin`.
    $ cat ${filename} | textql -sql "${SELECT * FROM stdin}"
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  • tlmgr-key:tldr:c33bb tlmgr-key: Add a key from `stdin`.
    $ cat ${path-to-key-gpg} | sudo tlmgr key add -
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  • ts:tldr:442f8 ts: Convert existing timestamps in a text file (eg. a log file) into [r]elative format.
    $ cat ${filename} | ts -r
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  • unzipsfx:tldr:510f2 unzipsfx: Create a self-extracting binary file of a `zip` archive.
    $ cat unzipsfx ${path-to-archive-zip} > ${filename} && chmod 755 ${filename}
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  • vale:tldr:89b99 vale: Check the style from `stdin`, specifying markup format.
    $ cat ${file-md} | vale
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  • xauth:tldr:8a61e xauth: Merge the authorization entries from a specific file into the authorization database.
    $ cat ${filename} | xauth merge -
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  • xml-depyx:tldr:17600 xml-depyx: Convert a PYX document from `stdin` to XML format.
    $ cat ${path-to-input-pyx} | xml depyx > ${path-to-output-xml}
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  • xml-format:tldr:c7315 xml-format: Format an XML document from `stdin`, removing the `DOCTYPE` declaration.
    $ cat ${path\to\input-xml} | xml format --dropdtd > ${path-to-output-xml}
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  • xml-pyx:tldr:35ca1 xml-pyx: Convert an XML document from `stdin` to PYX format.
    $ cat ${path-to-input-xml} | xml pyx > ${path-to-output-pyx}
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  • xsel:tldr:9eff6 xsel: Use the contents of a file as input of the clipboard.
    $ cat ${filename} | xsel -ib
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  • zek:tldr:1c7c0 zek: Generate an example Go program from a given XML from `stdin` and send output to a file.
    $ cat ${path-to-input-xml} | zek -p -o ${path-to-output-go}
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  • zek:tldr:90ae2 zek: Generate a Go struct from a given XML from `stdin` and display output on `stdout`.
    $ cat ${path-to-input-xml} | zek
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tool overview