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electrum: Connect only to a specific electrum-server instance.
$ electrum -p socks5:${127-0-0-1}:9050 -s ${56ckl5obj37gypcu-onion}:50001:t -1
try on your machine

The command you provided is related to the Electrum Bitcoin wallet, and it has several parts:

  1. electrum: This is the name or path to the Electrum executable file. Running it activates the Electrum wallet.

  2. -p socks5:${127-0-0-1}:9050: This option is used to configure a proxy server for network connections. It sets up a SOCKS5 proxy using the Tor network. ${127-0-0-1} refers to the IP address, which is the loopback address for the local machine. 9050 is the default port for the Tor proxy. This part of the command instructs Electrum to route network traffic through the specified Tor proxy.

  3. -s ${56ckl5obj37gypcu-onion}:50001:t: This option specifies the server to connect to. ${56ckl5obj37gypcu-onion} is a placeholder for the actual address of the server. In this case, it appears to be an Onion service address, which is a type of anonymous and encrypted network service provided by the Tor network. :50001 refers to the port number of the server. :t indicates that testing mode should be enabled.

  4. -1: This option specifies that the command should only be executed once, and then the program should terminate. It runs Electrum for one session instead of keeping it open continuously.

In summary, this command runs the Electrum Bitcoin wallet, sets up a Tor proxy for network connections, connects to a specific server (likely an Onion service), and executes the program for a single session.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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