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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool electrum. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Electrum is a popular open-source command line tool for managing Bitcoin wallets. It was created by Thomas Voegtlin in 2011 and is written in Python programming language.

The tool offers a secure and straightforward way to handle Bitcoin transactions and store private keys. It uses a combination of Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) and random seed generation for enhanced security.

Electrum provides multiple features, including support for hardware wallets such as Ledger and Trezor, multi-sig wallets, and cold storage. It also allows users to create and manage multiple wallets, making it convenient for different purposes or accounts.

The command line interface (CLI) offers a lightweight and efficient way to interact with Electrum, suitable for advanced users who prefer a text-based interface. It enables users to perform various operations, such as sending and receiving funds, importing and exporting private keys, and generating payment requests.

The tool has a robust plugin architecture that allows developers to extend its functionalities. This extensibility makes it adaptable to specific user needs and opens up possibilities for integrating with external services or adding new features.

Electrum benefits from a dedicated user community that actively helps maintain and update the software. Users can access community forums and support channels to seek assistance in case of issues or doubts.

Being a command line tool, Electrum does not have a graphical user interface (GUI) by default. However, there are third-party solutions available that provide a GUI wrapper for a more user-friendly experience, without losing the power and functionality of the command line.

Electrum is available for multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to users on different platforms.

The tool supports various languages, allowing users from different countries to interact with the software in their native language.

Electrum's backward compatibility ensures that users can access their wallets and funds even if they are using older versions of the tool, ensuring a smooth transition between updates.

List of commands for electrum:

  • electrum:tldr:1dbee electrum: Verify a message.
    $ electrum verifymessage ${address} ${signature} ${message}
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  • electrum:tldr:36c8b electrum: Restore an existing wallet from seed offline.
    $ electrum -w ${recovery_wallet-dat} restore -o
    try on your machine
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  • electrum:tldr:3a524 electrum: Connect only to a specific electrum-server instance.
    $ electrum -p socks5:${127-0-0-1}:9050 -s ${56ckl5obj37gypcu-onion}:50001:t -1
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • electrum:tldr:8ade1 electrum: Sign a message.
    $ electrum signmessage ${address} ${message}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • electrum:tldr:ace95 electrum: Display all wallet receiving addresses.
    $ electrum listaddresses -a
    try on your machine
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  • electrum:tldr:b15db electrum: Create a new wallet.
    $ electrum -w ${new_wallet-dat} create
    try on your machine
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  • electrum:tldr:f7e74 electrum: Create a signed transaction offline.
    $ electrum mktx ${recipient} ${amount} -f 0.0000001 -F ${from} -o
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview