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elm: Initialize an Elm project, generates an elm.json file.
$ elm init
try on your machine

The command "elm init" is used to set up a new Elm project. When you run this command in your terminal, it creates a new directory for your project and generates some initial files to get you started.

Here's what the "elm init" command does:

  1. Creates a new directory: It creates a new directory with the name you specify for your project. This directory will serve as the root of your Elm project.

  2. Sets up an Elm package file: Inside the newly created directory, the command creates a file called "elm.json". This file is used to manage the dependencies for your project and specify other project configurations.

  3. Creates a source directory: The command also generates a directory called "src" inside the project directory. This is where you'll put your Elm source code files.

  4. Creates a Main module: Inside the "src" directory, "elm init" creates a file called "Main.elm". This is the entry point of your application, where you'll define the main component or function of your Elm program.

By running "elm init", you essentially set up the basic structure of an Elm project, allowing you to start writing Elm code and managing dependencies.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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