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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool elm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Elm is a command line tool for working with the Elm programming language. Elm is a functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript and is used for building web applications.

The Elm command line tool provides a variety of features and utilities to help developers in their Elm projects. Some of the key features include:

  1. Package management: Elm has its own package manager called "Elm Package". The Elm command line tool allows you to install, update, and remove packages for your Elm projects.

  2. Compilation: The Elm compiler, which is an essential part of the Elm command line tool, compiles your Elm code into optimized, readable JavaScript. It provides helpful error messages, making it easier to debug your code.

  3. Development server: Elm comes with a built-in development server that allows you to run and test your Elm applications locally. The server provides hot-reloading, which means that any changes you make to your code will automatically update in the browser without the need for a full page refresh.

  4. Code formatting: The Elm command line tool includes a code formatter that helps enforce consistent coding styles across your Elm projects. It can automatically format your code to adhere to the Elm Style Guide.

  5. Documentation generation: Elm encourages writing well-documented code. The command line tool provides a documentation generator that creates HTML documentation for your Elm code, including module-level and function-level documentation.

Overall, the Elm command line tool is a powerful utility for managing and building Elm projects. It simplifies the development process by providing essential tools for package management, compilation, development server, code formatting, and documentation generation.

List of commands for elm:

  • elm:tldr:06900 elm: Install Elm package from
    $ elm install ${author}/${package}
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  • elm:tldr:0ab51 elm: Initialize an Elm project, generates an elm.json file.
    $ elm init
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  • elm:tldr:186d2 elm: Compile an Elm file, output the result to an `index.html` file.
    $ elm make ${source}
    try on your machine
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  • elm:tldr:51443 elm: Start interactive Elm shell.
    $ elm repl
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  • elm:tldr:6bd8a elm: Start local web server that compiles Elm files on page load.
    $ elm reactor
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  • elm:tldr:98213 elm: Compile an Elm file, output the result to a JavaScript file.
    $ elm make ${source} --output=${destination}.js
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview