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elvish: Start an interactive shell session.
$ elvish
try on your machine

The command "elvish" typically refers to a programming language called Elvish. Elvish is a scripting language for Unix-like systems, designed to be friendly and expressive in order to enhance the user's experience when interacting with the command line.

In Elvish, you can write scripts using constructs similar to other programming languages. These scripts can then be executed using the elvish command. When you run the "elvish" command, it launches the Elvish interpreter, providing an interactive environment where you can execute Elvish scripts, invoke commands, and perform various operations in a shell-like manner.

Some common use cases of the "elvish" command include:

  1. Running Elvish scripts: If you have a script written in Elvish, you can pass the script file as an argument to the "elvish" command to execute it. Example: elvish my_script.elv

  2. Interactive Shell: Without any arguments, running the "elvish" command starts an interactive shell, allowing you to run Elvish commands and write scripts directly in the shell prompt.

  3. Testing and debugging: When developing Elvish scripts, you can use the "elvish" command to test and debug the scripts interactively, facilitating iterative development.

Overall, the "elvish" command enables you to work with the Elvish programming language, providing a user-friendly environment to write scripts, run them, and perform various tasks in a Unix-like command-line interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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