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emacs: Run an Emacs Lisp file as a script.
$ emacs --script ${filename-el}
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The command you provided, emacs --script ${filename.el}, is used to run an Emacs Lisp script using the Emacs text editor in a command-line mode. Here's an explanation of each component in the command:

  • emacs: Specifies the command to run the Emacs editor.
  • --script: Instructs Emacs to run in script mode, where it evaluates a specific Emacs Lisp script without displaying the graphical user interface (GUI).
  • ${filename-el}: Refers to a placeholder for the actual filename of the Emacs Lisp script you want to execute. The .el extension is often used for Emacs Lisp files.

To use this command effectively, you need to replace ${filename-el} with the actual filename of your Emacs Lisp script, ensuring it has the .el extension.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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