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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool emacs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Emacs is a popular and versatile command line tool, known as a text editor, which is primarily used for writing, editing, and managing text files. It was created in 1976 by Richard Stallman and is famous for its extensibility and customization capabilities.

Some key features of Emacs include:

  1. Flexible and powerful: Emacs offers a wide range of features and functionalities that go beyond basic editing, such as syntax highlighting, auto-completion, code navigation, and more.

  2. Highly customizable: Users can tailor Emacs to their specific needs by extensively modifying and extending its functionality using Emacs Lisp, a built-in programming language.

  3. Wide platform support: Emacs is available on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, ensuring its accessibility to a wide user base.

  4. Integrated development environment (IDE) features: Emacs provides a diverse set of plugins and packages that enable IDE-like functionality for programming languages, such as debugging, project management, version control integration, and code refactoring.

  5. Support for various markup languages: Emacs supports different markup languages, including LaTeX for typesetting documents, Org mode for organizing notes, Markdown, HTML, and more.

  6. Efficient text manipulation: Emacs offers advanced text manipulation techniques, such as regular expressions, macros, columns editing, and bulk text processing functionality, aiding productivity when working with large amounts of text.

  7. User-friendly interface: While it is primarily a command line tool, Emacs provides a graphical user interface (GUI) option as well, allowing users to switch between command line and graphical mode as per their preference.

Emacs has a steep learning curve due to its extensive customization options, but its versatility and powerful features make it a popular choice among programmers, writers, and power users who require a versatile and adaptable text editing environment.

List of commands for emacs:

  • emacs:tldr:06e47 emacs: Start an Emacs server in the background (accessible via `emacsclient`).
    $ emacs --daemon
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  • emacs:tldr:18657 emacs: Start Emacs and open a file.
    $ emacs ${filename}
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  • emacs:tldr:6bb74 emacs: Open a file at a specified line number.
    $ emacs +${line_number} ${filename}
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  • emacs:tldr:b5d6b emacs: Start Emacs in console mode (without an X window).
    $ emacs --no-window-system
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  • emacs:tldr:d1ac6 emacs: Run an Emacs Lisp file as a script.
    $ emacs --script ${filename-el}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview