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emond: Use a specific configuration file.
$ emond -c ${path-to-config_file}
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The command "emond -c ${path-to-config_file}" is used to start the emond daemon with a configuration file specified.

Here is a breakdown of the command components:

  • "emond": It refers to the emond daemon, which is a macOS service that monitors and collects system events like log updates, user activity, network traffic, etc. It stores these events and provides them for analysis or rules-based actions.

  • "-c": This option is used to specify the configuration file to be used by emond. The configuration file contains rules, settings, and filters that govern how emond gathers and stores events. The provided path corresponds to the ${path-to-config_file} placeholder.

  • "${path-to-config_file}": It represents the actual file path of the configuration file. You need to replace this placeholder with the real file path on your system.

By executing this command, the emond daemon will start with the specified configuration file, enabling it to begin monitoring and collecting system events according to the defined rules and settings in the configuration file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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