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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool emond. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Emond is a command-line tool that is used in macOS systems for logging and monitoring purposes. It is a part of a larger system called Endpoint Security Framework. Emond handles the processing and logging of audit data, system events, and security policy violations. It receives events and messages from various sources in macOS and then writes them to log files for later analysis.

Emond plays a crucial role in maintaining system security by capturing and logging events related to system policies, network activities, application activities, and user actions. It provides administrators with important insights and helps in analyzing the security status of the system. The logs generated by Emond can be viewed using other tools like the Console app, which allows users to search, filter, and analyze the collected data.

Moreover, Emond can also forward events to other security-related components in macOS, ensuring that the relevant systems are promptly notified about potential security threats or policy violations. It acts as a communication hub between different components of the Endpoint Security Framework, facilitating seamless integration and coordination among them.

Overall, Emond is a powerful command-line tool that helps in maintaining system security and monitoring activities in macOS systems. It provides administrators with valuable information and assists in detecting and responding to potential security issues.

List of commands for emond:

  • emond:tldr:411c3 emond: Use a specific configuration file.
    $ emond -c ${path-to-config_file}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • emond:tldr:9c98f emond: Start the daemon.
    $ emond
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • emond:tldr:f09fa emond: Specify rules for emond to process by giving a path to a file or directory.
    $ emond -r ${filename_or_directory}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview