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emond: Specify rules for emond to process by giving a path to a file or directory.
$ emond -r ${filename_or_directory}
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The command "emond -r ${filename_or_directory}" is used to start the emond daemon and analyze the specified file or directory for security policy violations. Here's an explanation of each component:

  • "emond" is the executable for the Emond daemon, which is a part of macOS's XProtect system. It is responsible for monitoring files and processes for potential security threats and enforcing security policies. It runs in the background and helps protect the system from malware or other malicious activities.

  • "-r" is an option or flag that is used to specify that the emond daemon should perform a recursive analysis of the given file or directory. A recursive analysis means that it will analyze not just the top-level file or directory, but also scan all the files and subdirectories within it.

  • "${filename_or_directory}" is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual name of the file or directory you want emond to analyze. It can be a single file or a directory path.

By running this command, you are starting the emond daemon and instructing it to perform a comprehensive security analysis on the specified file or directory. The daemon will then monitor and enforce security policies to protect the system based on the findings of its analysis.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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