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emulator: Start an emulator, with a maximum network speed.
$ emulator -avd ${name} -netspeed ${select}
try on your machine

The given command is used to launch the Android Emulator with specific configurations.

Here's the break down of each component of the command:

  • emulator: This is the command used to start the Android Emulator. It is a tool that allows you to run and test Android applications on your computer.

  • -avd: This option is followed by the name of the AVD (Android Virtual Device) you want to launch. An AVD is a configuration that specifies the properties of the virtual Android device, such as the Android version, screen size, and hardware properties.

  • ${name}: This is a placeholder variable that represents the specific name of the AVD you want to launch. You need to replace ${name} with the actual name of an existing AVD.

  • -netspeed: This option is used to specify the network speed emulation of the virtual device. It simulates different network speeds to test your application's behavior under various network conditions.

  • ${select}: This is another placeholder variable that represents the specific network speed you want to set for the emulator. You need to replace ${select} with the desired value. The available options for ${select} usually include full, gsm, hscsd, gprs, edge, umts, hspda, lte, evdo, cdma, and ehrpd.

In summary, the command emulator -avd ${name} -netspeed ${select} is used to launch the Android Emulator with a specific AVD (specified by ${name}) and a network speed emulation (specified by ${select}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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