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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool emulator. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "emulator" is a powerful and versatile tool used for running and testing Android applications on a computer. It is typically bundled with the Android SDK (Software Development Kit) and allows developers to simulate different Android devices and versions directly on the command line.

With the emulator, developers can create virtual Android devices with various hardware configurations, screen sizes, and Android versions to test the compatibility and behavior of their applications. It provides a way to debug and test apps without the need for physical devices, making it an essential tool in the Android app development process.

The emulator provides various command line options to customize the virtual device's settings, such as screen resolution, RAM, storage, network configurations, and more. It also supports different input methods, including keyboard, touch, and even simulating GPS coordinates and phone calls.

Furthermore, the emulator allows developers to simulate various scenarios and conditions, such as different network speeds, battery levels, and device orientations, to thoroughly test their applications' performance under different circumstances.

While the emulator provides a convenient way for developers to test their applications, it is important to note that it might not perfectly replicate the behavior of a physical device. Performance might differ, and some features, hardware functionalities, or system behaviors might behave differently on the emulator compared to an actual device.

Overall, the emulator is an essential tool for Android developers to efficiently develop, test, and debug their applications directly from the command line on their development machines.

List of commands for emulator:

  • emulator:tldr:384eb emulator: Start an emulator overriding the facing back camera setting (use `-camera-front` for front camera).
    $ emulator -avd ${name} -camera-back ${select}
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  • emulator:tldr:8cba8 emulator: Start an emulator, with a maximum network speed.
    $ emulator -avd ${name} -netspeed ${select}
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  • emulator:tldr:9cb5d emulator: Display the webcams on your development computer that are available for emulation.
    $ emulator -avd ${name} -webcam-list
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  • emulator:tldr:c0273 emulator: Start an emulator with a given SD card partition image file.
    $ emulator -avd ${name} -sdcard ${path-to-sdcard-img}
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  • emulator:tldr:c2695 emulator: Start an Android emulator device.
    $ emulator -avd ${name}
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  • emulator:tldr:ccbae emulator: Start an emulator with network latency.
    $ emulator -avd ${name} -netdelay ${select}
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  • emulator:tldr:ef35f emulator: Start an emulator, making all TCP connections through a specified HTTP/HTTPS proxy (port number is required).
    $ emulator -avd ${name} -http-proxy ${http:--example-com:80}
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  • emulator:tldr:ef83e emulator: Display the help.
    $ emulator -help
    try on your machine
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tool overview