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emulator: Display the help.
$ emulator -help
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The command "emulator -help" is used to display the available options and usage information of the Android emulator. Here's how you could break down the command:

  • "emulator" is the executable command for launching an Android emulator.
  • "-help" is a command-line option that requests information about the available options and commands that can be used with the emulator. It prompts the emulator to display a help message with details on how to use the emulator.

Executing the "emulator -help" command will provide you with a list of available options and their corresponding descriptions. This information will help you better understand how to utilize the Android emulator for various development or testing purposes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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