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enca: Convert file(s) to a specific encoding.
$ enca -L ${language} -x ${to_encoding} ${filename1 filename2 ---}
try on your machine

The given command is a command-line instruction that uses the "enca" tool to convert the encoding of one or multiple files. Here's a breakdown of the command structure:

  • "enca" is a command-line program used for detecting and converting the encoding of text files.
  • "-L ${language}" specifies the language used in the text files to aid in identifying the encoding. "${language}" should be replaced with the desired language code or name.
  • "-x ${to_encoding}" specifies the target encoding to which the files should be converted. "${to_encoding}" should be replaced with the desired encoding.
  • "${filename1 filename2 ---}" represents a list of one or more file names that need their encoding converted. These file names should be replaced with the actual names of the files.

Overall, the command instructs the "enca" tool to perform encoding conversion on the specified files, taking into account the specified language and desired target encoding.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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