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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool enca. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


enca is a command line tool used for detecting and setting the character encoding of text files. The name "enca" stands for "Extremely Naive Charset Analyser" as it is designed to provide a simple and straightforward approach to determine the encoding of a text file.

Some key features of enca include:

  1. Charset detection: enca can analyze the byte patterns in a file to determine the most likely character encoding used, which can be useful when dealing with files of unknown origin or encoding.
  2. Multiple supported encodings: It supports a wide range of character encodings, including popular ones like UTF-8, ISO-8859, Windows-1252, etc.
  3. Automatic conversion: In addition to detection, enca can also convert files from one encoding to another. This can be useful when you need to convert the encoding of a text file to a specific format desired for compatibility or display purposes.
  4. Language detection: enca can also guess the language of the text in the file, providing further insights into its content.

Overall, enca is a handy command line tool for character encoding analysis and conversion, helping users deal with files that have unknown or incorrect character encodings.

List of commands for enca:

  • enca:tldr:003d0 enca: Detect file(s) encoding according to the system's locale.
    $ enca ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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  • enca:tldr:5b0d7 enca: Create a copy of an existing file using a different encoding.
    $ enca -L ${language} -x ${to_encoding} < ${original_file} > ${new_file}
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  • enca:tldr:79f1d enca: Convert file(s) to a specific encoding.
    $ enca -L ${language} -x ${to_encoding} ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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  • enca:tldr:ef1e9 enca: Detect file(s) encoding specifying a language in the POSIX/C locale format (e.g. zh_CN, en_US).
    $ enca -L ${language} ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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