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List of commands for entr:

  • entr:ai:9c92b Monitor file changes using entr and execute when a file changes
    $ entr -p -s "${command}"
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  • entr:tldr:1e8e4 entr: Rebuild with `make` if any file in any subdirectory changes.
    $ ${ag -l} | entr ${make}
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  • entr:tldr:4af82 entr: Send a `SIGTERM` to any previously spawned ruby subprocesses before executing `ruby main.rb`.
    $ ${ls *-rb} | entr -r ${ruby main-rb}
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  • entr:tldr:b71d8 entr: Run a command with the changed file (`/_`) as an argument.
    $ ${ls *-sql} | entr ${psql -f} /_
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