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List of commands for envoy:

  • envoy:tldr:17371 envoy: Run a task from a specific project.
    $ envoy run --path ${path-to-directory} ${task_name}
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  • envoy:tldr:960aa envoy: Run a task and continue on failure.
    $ envoy run --continue ${task_name}
    try on your machine
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  • envoy:tldr:9ea1a envoy: Connect to the specified server via SSH.
    $ envoy ssh ${server_name}
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  • envoy:tldr:b8f9d envoy: Run a task.
    $ envoy run ${task_name}
    try on your machine
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  • envoy:tldr:e1463 envoy: Initialize a configuration file.
    $ envoy init ${host_name}
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  • envoy:tldr:ee0c2 envoy: Dump a task as a Bash script for inspection.
    $ envoy run --pretend ${task_name}
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