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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool envoy. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Envoy is an open-source high-performance edge and service proxy developed by Lyft. It is designed for modern architectures and offers advanced features for intelligent routing, observability, and security. Envoy acts as a middleman, sitting between clients and servers, and provides a flexible, reliable, and scalable communication layer for microservices.

Some key features of Envoy include:

  1. Load balancing: Envoy enables efficient load balancing across services, allowing traffic distribution based on various algorithms, health checks, and circuit breaking mechanisms.

  2. Service discovery: It provides automatic service discovery, allowing services to dynamically register and discover each other, reducing the need for manual configuration.

  3. Traffic management: Envoy offers advanced traffic management capabilities, including request shadowing, fault injection, and circuit breaking for managing traffic patterns and ensuring high availability.

  4. Observability: Envoy provides detailed metrics, logs, and traces for monitoring and troubleshooting purposes. It seamlessly integrates with popular observability tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger.

  5. Transport security: Envoy supports TLS encryption for secure communication between services. It also provides features like mutual TLS authentication, rate limiting, and API token validation for enhanced security.

  6. Extensibility: Envoy supports a flexible plugin architecture, allowing users to extend its capabilities with custom filters and configurations to meet specific requirements.

Envoy is widely adopted by organizations to improve the resilience, scalability, and observability of their microservices architectures. It has become an industry-standard proxy used by numerous companies and is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

List of commands for envoy:

  • envoy:tldr:17371 envoy: Run a task from a specific project.
    $ envoy run --path ${path-to-directory} ${task_name}
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  • envoy:tldr:960aa envoy: Run a task and continue on failure.
    $ envoy run --continue ${task_name}
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  • envoy:tldr:9ea1a envoy: Connect to the specified server via SSH.
    $ envoy ssh ${server_name}
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  • envoy:tldr:b8f9d envoy: Run a task.
    $ envoy run ${task_name}
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  • envoy:tldr:e1463 envoy: Initialize a configuration file.
    $ envoy init ${host_name}
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  • envoy:tldr:ee0c2 envoy: Dump a task as a Bash script for inspection.
    $ envoy run --pretend ${task_name}
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tool overview