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eqn: Typeset an input file with equations to PDF using the [me] macro package.
$ eqn -T ${pdf} ${path-to-input-eqn} | groff -${me} -T ${pdf} > ${path-to-output-pdf}
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This is a command that uses the eqn and groff utilities to convert an input equation file into an output PDF file.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • eqn is a utility for typesetting mathematical equations.
  • -T ${pdf} specifies the output format as PDF.
  • ${path-to-input-eqn} is the path to the input equation file you want to convert.

The | character is a pipe. It allows the output of the eqn command to be passed directly as input to the next command.

  • groff is a utility for formatting text documents. It is used here to process the equation output from eqn.
  • -${me} specifies a formatting option for groff. The actual value of ${me} should be replaced with a desired formatting option.
  • -T ${pdf} specifies the output format as PDF (matching the format used by eqn).
  • ${path-to-output-pdf} is the path where you want to save the resulting PDF file.

Overall, this command takes the input equation file, typesets it using eqn, processes it further with groff, and finally saves the formatted output as a PDF file. The specific formatting options and file paths will need to be provided before running this command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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