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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool eqn. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "eqn" command line tool is a typesetting system designed for mathematical notation and equations. It allows you to easily create mathematical formulas and equations with various symbols and mathematical notations.

Eqn uses a simple syntax to define equations, which includes symbols, subscripts, superscripts, fractions, matrices, and more. It provides a way to represent complex mathematical expressions without the need for specialized mathematical software or graphical user interfaces.

The tool takes an input file containing equations written in its syntax and produces output files in various formats like PostScript or LaTeX, which can be used to generate high-quality equations for use in documents, presentations, or other publications.

Eqn is commonly used in Unix-like operating systems, and it's often integrated with other typesetting systems like troff or LaTeX to provide a comprehensive document preparation system for scientific and technical publications.

List of commands for eqn:

  • eqn:tldr:1e915 eqn: Typeset an input file with equations to PDF using the [me] macro package.
    $ eqn -T ${pdf} ${path-to-input-eqn} | groff -${me} -T ${pdf} > ${path-to-output-pdf}
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  • eqn:tldr:27872 eqn: Process input with equations, saving the output for future typesetting with groff to PostScript.
    $ eqn ${path-to-input-eqn} > ${path-to-output-roff}
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