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ern: Publish an Electrode Native container to a local Maven repository.
$ ern publish-container --publisher ${maven} --platform ${android} --extra ${'{"groupId":"com-walmart-ern","artifactId":"quickstart"}'}
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The command ern publish-container is being used to publish a container for the given Electrode Native platform.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • --publisher ${maven}: The --publisher flag specifies the publisher to be used for publishing the container. In this case, ${maven} is a variable that holds the Maven publisher configuration.

  • --platform ${android}: The --platform flag specifies the platform for which the container is being published. In this case, ${android} is a variable that holds the Android platform configuration.

  • --extra ${'{"groupId":"com-walmart-ern","artifactId":"quickstart"}'}: The --extra flag allows passing additional configurations to the container publisher. In this case, ${'{"groupId":"com-walmart-ern","artifactId":"quickstart"}'} is a variable that holds a JSON object specifying the groupId and artifactId of the container.

This command is used to publish a container for the Android platform with the specified Maven publisher configuration. The --extra flag allows passing any additional configurations required for the container.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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