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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ern. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


ERN (Electroencephalography Regression Toolbox) is a command-line tool used for analyzing and processing electroencephalography (EEG) data. EEG is a non-invasive technique to measure and record electrical activity in the brain, providing valuable insights into brain functioning.

ERN focuses specifically on the event-related negativity (ERN) component of the EEG signal, which is associated with error processing in cognitive tasks. The ERN is a negative voltage shift that occurs in the EEG signal following the commission of an error during a task.

This command-line tool provides various functionalities for analyzing and processing ERN data. It supports tasks such as preprocessing raw EEG data, computing ERN amplitudes, extracting ERN features, and performing statistical analyses on the ERN results.

ERN offers flexibility in terms of data processing and analysis. It allows users to customize various parameters and settings according to their specific research requirements. Additionally, it is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to researchers and analysts with varying levels of programming experience.

Overall, ERN is a powerful command-line tool for studying error processing in the brain using EEG data. It provides researchers with a comprehensive set of tools, enabling them to conduct in-depth analysis and gain valuable insights into the neural mechanisms underlying error monitoring and cognitive control.

List of commands for ern:

  • ern:tldr:18b91 ern: Publish an Electrode Native container to a local Maven repository.
    $ ern publish-container --publisher ${maven} --platform ${android} --extra ${'{"groupId":"com-walmart-ern","artifactId":"quickstart"}'}
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  • ern:tldr:1d65f ern: Run one or more `MiniApps` in the iOS / Android Runner application.
    $ ern run-${select}
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  • ern:tldr:77558 ern: List all installed versions of Electrode Native.
    $ ern platform versions
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  • ern:tldr:7c603 ern: Set a logging level.
    $ ern platform config set logLevel ${select}
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  • ern:tldr:a0761 ern: Transform an iOS container into a pre-compiled binary framework.
    $ ern transform-container --platform ${ios} --transformer ${xcframework}
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  • ern:tldr:a6a33 ern: Create an Electrode Native container.
    $ ern create-container --miniapps ${-path-to-miniapp_directory} --platform ${select}
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  • ern:tldr:e65fc ern: Create a new `ern` application (`MiniApp`).
    $ ern create-miniapp ${application_name}
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tool overview