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ern: Transform an iOS container into a pre-compiled binary framework.
$ ern transform-container --platform ${ios} --transformer ${xcframework}
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The command "ern transform-container --platform ${ios} --transformer ${xcframework}" is used in a tool called Electrode Native (ERN) to transform an Electrode Native Container for the iOS platform using a specific transformer called xcframework.

Let's break down the command:

  • ern transform-container: This is the main command that tells ERN to transform an Electrode Native Container.
  • --platform ${ios}: This option specifies the platform for which the transformation should be performed, in this case, iOS. The value ${ios} is likely a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual platform identifier.
  • --transformer ${xcframework}: This option specifies the transformer to be used for the transformation, in this case, xcframework. The value ${xcframework} is likely a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual transformer identifier.

Overall, this command is used to transform an Electrode Native Container specifically for the iOS platform using the xcframework transformer. The exact values for ${ios} and ${xcframework} need to be provided for the command to work correctly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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