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esbuild: Bundle a JSX application from `stdin`.
$ esbuild --bundle --outfile=${path-to-out-js} < ${filename-jsx}
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This command is using esbuild, a fast JavaScript bundler and minifier, to bundle and output a JavaScript file from the specified JSX file.

  • "esbuild" refers to the esbuild command-line tool.
  • "--bundle" is an option telling esbuild to bundle the specified file and its dependencies into a single file.
  • "--outfile=${path-to-out-js}" is an option specifying the output file path and name for the bundled JavaScript file. It uses the value of the "path-to-out-js" variable, which should be replaced with the desired output path.
  • "< ${filename-jsx}" is using input redirection to pass the content of the specified JSX file to esbuild for bundling. The "filename-jsx" variable should be substituted with the actual file name of the JSX file you want to bundle.

Essentially, this command bundles the specified JSX file and its dependencies into a single JavaScript file defined by the "path-to-out-js" variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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