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esbuild: Bundle and serve a JavaScript application on an HTTP server.
$ esbuild --bundle --serve=${port} --outfile=${index-js} ${filename-js}
try on your machine

The command you've provided seems to be using esbuild, a JavaScript bundling tool. Let's break down the different parts of the command:

  • esbuild: This is the name of the command, which invokes the esbuild tool.
  • --bundle: This flag tells esbuild to bundle the JavaScript code.
  • --serve=${port}: This flag instructs esbuild to serve the bundled code on a specified port. ${port} is likely a placeholder that should be replaced with an actual port number (e.g., --serve=8080).
  • --outfile=${index-js}: This flag specifies the output file where the bundled code will be saved. ${index-js} is most likely another placeholder that should be substituted with an actual output filename (e.g., --outfile=bundle.js). Make sure to use valid file naming conventions.
  • ${filename-js}: This seems to be a placeholder representing the input JavaScript file that you want to bundle. You should replace ${filename-js} with an actual filename (e.g., app.js) or a file path (e.g., path/to/app.js).

So, when you run this command, esbuild will bundle the specified ${filename-js} JavaScript file and save the output in ${index-js} file. Additionally, it will serve the bundled code on the specified ${port}. Remember to substitute the placeholders with appropriate values that match your desired input/output files and port number.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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