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esbuild: Bundle and minify a JSX application with source maps in `production` mode.
$ esbuild --bundle --define:${process-env-NODE_ENV=\"production\"} --minify --sourcemap ${filename-js}
try on your machine

The command you provided is used to run the esbuild bundler tool, which is used to bundle and optimize JavaScript code. Let's break down the different components of this command:

esbuild: This is the command to run the esbuild tool.

--bundle: This flag instructs esbuild to bundle all the imported modules and their dependencies into a single JavaScript file.

--define:${process-env-NODE_ENV=\"production\"}: This flag allows defining a global variable during the build process. In this case, it defines a global variable process.env.NODE_ENV with the value "production". This can be useful for conditionally excluding or including certain parts of code based on the environment.

--minify: This flag tells esbuild to minify the bundled JavaScript code, reducing its size by removing unnecessary characters, spaces, and comments without changing its functionality.

--sourcemap: This flag enables generating a sourcemap file that maps the minified JavaScript code back to its original source code, aiding in debugging.

${filename-js}: This is a placeholder that represents the name of the JavaScript file you want to bundle. You should replace it with the actual filename, including the .js extension.

Overall, this command bundles the JavaScript code from the specified file while defining a global variable for the NODE_ENV environment variable, minifying the code, and generating a sourcemap.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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