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esbuild: Bundle a JavaScript application enabling JSX syntax in `.js` files.
$ esbuild --bundle app.js --loader:${-js=jsx} ${filename-js}
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This command uses the esbuild tool to bundle a JavaScript file called app.js into a single file. The bundled file will be produced by resolving all dependency imports within app.js.

The --bundle option specifies that the input file app.js should be bundled.

The --loader option is used to specify the file loader configuration. In this case, ${-js=jsx} is used to set the loader for JavaScript files to specifically handle files with the extension .jsx.

${filename-js} is a placeholder for the input filename. You should replace it with the actual filename you want to bundle, without the .js extension.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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