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esbuild: Bundle a JavaScript application and print to `stdout`.
$ esbuild --bundle ${filename-js}
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The command esbuild --bundle ${filename-js} is used to bundle JavaScript files using the esbuild module bundler.

Here's an explanation of the components of this command:

  • esbuild refers to the esbuild module bundler, which is a fast JavaScript bundler built in TypeScript. It is used to combine multiple JavaScript modules into a single file.

  • --bundle is a flag or option that instructs the esbuild bundler to create a single bundled file containing all the JavaScript modules.

  • ${filename-js} is a placeholder that represents the name of the JavaScript file you want to bundle. It should be replaced with the actual name of the file, including the .js extension.

So when you execute this command, esbuild will bundle the specified JavaScript file and create a single bundled file that can be used in a web application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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