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List of commands for evil-winrm:

  • evil-winrm:tldr:056b3 evil-winrm: Connect to a host, passing the password hash.
    $ evil-winrm --ip ${ip} --user ${user} --hash ${nt_hash}
    try on your machine
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  • evil-winrm:tldr:08f7d evil-winrm: Connect to a host, using SSL.
    $ evil-winrm --ip ${ip} --user ${user} --password ${password} --ssl --pub-key ${path-to-pubkey} --priv-key ${path-to-privkey}
    try on your machine
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  • evil-winrm:tldr:128b9 evil-winrm: Invoke a binary on the host from the `--executables` directory.
    $ PS > Invoke-Binary ${binary-exe}
    try on your machine
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  • evil-winrm:tldr:2a112 evil-winrm: Get a list of loaded PowerShell functions.
    $ PS > menu
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  • evil-winrm:tldr:6a6cb evil-winrm: Connect to a host, specifying directories for scripts and executables.
    $ evil-winrm --ip ${ip} --user ${user} --password ${password} --scripts ${path-to-scripts} --executables ${path-to-executables}
    try on your machine
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  • evil-winrm:tldr:92c8d evil-winrm: Upload a file to the host.
    $ PS > upload ${path-to-local-file} ${path-to-remote-file}
    try on your machine
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  • evil-winrm:tldr:c27c4 evil-winrm: Connect to a host.
    $ evil-winrm --ip ${ip} --user ${user} --password ${password}
    try on your machine
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  • evil-winrm:tldr:eea0b evil-winrm: Load a PowerShell script from the `--scripts` directory.
    $ PS > ${script-ps1}
    try on your machine
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