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exa: Display a tree of files, three levels deep.
$ exa --long --tree --level=${3}
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This command is using the exa utility to display a long listing of files and directories in a tree-like structure.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • exa: This is the command itself, exa is an alternative to the traditional ls command, it provides more information and customization options.

  • --long: This option tells exa to display the files and directories in a detailed format. It shows additional information such as file size, permissions, owner, and modification date.

  • --tree: This option tells exa to display the files and directories in a tree-like structure. It shows the hierarchy and relationship between different directories.

  • --level=${3}: This option specifies the depth or level of the tree structure to display. The command seems to be using a variable ${3} to determine this level. This means that the number specified in the third argument when running the command will determine the depth of the tree structure. For example, if the third argument is 2, it will display the tree up to two levels deep.

Overall, this command will list files and directories in a detailed, tree-like structure up to a specified depth level.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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