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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool exa. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Exa is a powerful command line tool designed as a modern replacement for the 'ls' command in Unix-like systems, including Linux and macOS. It provides an enhanced and more user-friendly alternative to the traditional 'ls' command.

Here are some notable features of exa:

  1. Enhanced Display: exa offers a more visually appealing display of file and directory listings. It uses color-coded output by default, making it easier to differentiate file types, permissions, and other attributes.

  2. Improved Sorting: By default, exa sorts files and directories based on type and relevance. It provides a smarter and more intuitive way of sorting, making it easier to locate specific files or directories.

  3. Git Integration: exa has built-in support for displaying Git information such as file status, branches, and tags. This is especially useful for developers working with Git repositories.

  4. Extended File Details: exa provides additional information about files, including file size, permissions, modification timestamps, and extended attributes. It presents this information in a concise and easy-to-read format.

  5. Customization Options: exa allows users to customize its behavior through various command line options. You can adjust settings related to colors, file filters, time formats, and much more.

exa is widely praised for its simplicity, versatility, and improved functionality compared to 'ls'. It caters to both regular users who want a more visually appealing and informative file listing, as well as advanced users who require more detailed file information and integration with version control systems.

List of commands for exa:

  • exa:tldr:116fa exa: Display a tree of files, three levels deep.
    $ exa --long --tree --level=${3}
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  • exa:tldr:23c14 exa: List all files, including hidden files.
    $ exa --all
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  • exa:tldr:45056 exa: List files one per line.
    $ exa --oneline
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  • exa:tldr:67006 exa: Long format list (permissions, ownership, size and modification date) of all files.
    $ exa --long --all
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  • exa:tldr:7339c exa: Don't list files mentioned in `.gitignore`.
    $ exa --git-ignore
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  • exa:tldr:a1834 exa: List files with the largest at the top.
    $ exa --reverse --sort=${size}
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  • exa:tldr:af5e3 exa: List files with their headers, icons, and Git statuses.
    $ exa --long --header --icons --git
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  • exa:tldr:feecd exa: List files sorted by modification date (oldest first).
    $ exa --long --sort=${modified}
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tool overview