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exa: List all files, including hidden files.
$ exa --all
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The command "exa --all" lists all the files and directories in the current directory, including hidden files and directories.

"exa" is an alternative to the commonly used "ls" command in Unix-like operating systems. It provides more features and a more colorful output by default.

The option "--all" is used to include hidden files and directories in the listing. Hidden files and directories are those whose names start with a dot (.), and they are typically used to store configuration files and settings that are not meant to be displayed by default.

So, when you run "exa --all", it will show a detailed listing of all the files and directories in the current directory, including the hidden ones.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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