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exif: Change the value of the "Artist" tag to John Smith and save to `new.jpg`.
$ exif --output=${new-jpg} --ifd=${0} --tag="${Artist}" --set-value="${John Smith}" --no-fixup ${image-jpg}
try on your machine

This command is using the exif tool to manipulate the metadata (EXIF) of a JPEG image file.

Let's break down the command and its options:

  • exif: This is the command to run the exif tool.
  • --output=${new-jpg}: This option specifies the output file name/path after modifying the EXIF data. ${new-jpg} is a variable that should be replaced with the desired name of the modified file.
  • --ifd=${0}: This option sets the IFD (Image File Directory) of the image where the specified tag will be modified. ${0} is likely a variable that refers to the main IFD.
  • --tag="${Artist}": This option specifies the tag that should be modified. ${Artist} is likely a variable that holds the name of the tag to modify.
  • --set-value="${John Smith}": This option sets the new value for the tag specified by --tag. ${John Smith} is likely a variable that holds the desired new value for the tag.
  • --no-fixup: This option disables any attempt to fix the image data.
  • ${image-jpg}: This is the input file name/path. ${image-jpg} is likely a variable that should be replaced with the actual name of the image file to modify.

In summary, this command is using the exif tool to modify the specified tag (likely the artist's name) in the EXIF metadata of a JPEG image file. The modified file will be saved with a new name (${new-jpg}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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